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The Lion King

The Lion King was one of the most popular shows we ever did.  The music is challenging, but the kids took to it immediately since they grew up with it playing on video. If you have a ton of percussionists, this is a great piece for getting everyone both involved and really excited.  Be aware that getting copyright could take a little time but by starting in mid March, I had permission by the early summer. Royalties are pricey and this can be an expensive show...but it was totally worth it!

The Lion King

  • The Lion King requires licensing

  • The cost of the full show is $225.00 (does not include licensing) 

  • A rehearsal MP3 for color guard

  • License is for one season.

  • Any major changes requested are an additional charge.        (except solo changes)

  • QUESTIONS? Contact me

Instrumentation include:  All parts are sent in PDF

(I don't send finale parts)

Winds - Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Horn, Trumpet 1,2,3, Trombone 1,2, Baritone BC, Tuba

(Bari sax available if needed.)

Drumline - Cymbals, Snareline, Tenorline (Quints), Bassline (5 Drums)

Front Ensemble - Bass guitar, Drum Set, Synth Pad, Electric Guitar, Bells, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba, Timpani, Chimes, Auxilliary Percussion (inc. Congas, Timbales, Bongos, Djembe, Shaker, Triangle, Cowbell Cymbasl and Bass Drum Parts)

1st Trumpet Range - "D" above staff (dbl. down octave.)

Solos- Flute Solo/ Trumpet Solo

Simba Confronts Scar Leads directly into King of Pride Rock.

Grade 3 +

Savannah 2.png
The Lion King

Drumline Tracks

Shadowland Drumline AudioArr. DePriest
00:00 / 03:09
Simba Confronts Scar-DrumlineArr. DePriest
00:00 / 02:18
King Of Pride Rock-King Of Pride Rock_Circle Of Life-DrumlineArr. DePriest
00:00 / 02:21



Simba Confronts Scar


Shadowland AudioArr. DePriest
00:00 / 03:10
Simba Confronts Scar-AudioArr. DePriest
00:00 / 02:20

King of Pride Rock/ Circle Of Life

King Of Pride Rock-King Of Pride Rock_Circle Of Life-AudioArr. DePriest
00:00 / 02:21



Simba Confronts Scar

King of Pride Rock/ Circle Of Life

About Licensing

Before I can deliver an arrangement you are required to obtain “permission to license” from the copyright holder using a site like TRESONA MUSIC or reaching out directly to the copyright holder.  Some arrangements take days or even weeks to license (and others are simply declined by the copyright holder). For your convenience, I've indicated arrangements (with a      ) I believe will license quickly (but not guaranteed) and a green check       if it lists on TRESONA as pre-approved. All the music listed at one time has been approved for arranging.  The cost of licensing a song is typically between $180 to $350 but some can be much more.  The cost of licensing is not included in the price of the arrangement and is the responsibility of the purchaser.

CONTACT ME if you need help with this process.  START EARLY!

Possible Quick Approval
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